[mod] Dedicated Servers
wakamonkey | Date: Saturday, 2010-07-03, 5:31 PM | Message # 31 |
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| Quote (matthijs) Do you get banned that much?! I'm banned only 1 time because of forum spamming... yea i think i got 11 or 12 here.. 1 of the is 1 month 1 is 2 month and like 5 are week and the rest a day...
McFluff | Date: Saturday, 2010-07-17, 2:41 PM | Message # 32 |
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| Soo... Did any one manage to make a server already? 
Guest | Date: Thursday, 2010-12-02, 4:02 PM | Message # 33 |
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| hey if you guys want to test mods on a server i really don't mind doing them on mine!!! actully i want to mod my server :D http://www.battlefieldheroes.com/bookmark/server:4a1f3d32-2490-43dd-8f66-6b4e974e5bc6 i'm bloodkill
BigMc | Date: Monday, 2011-08-15, 6:42 PM | Message # 34 |
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| On the long run, there'll be some genius who's able to set-up dedicated servers or even LAN-Clients. I always wondered why they never did any precaution...
Giving the players a chance to mod, letting test them on trusted (and rented) servers and giving a restriced LAN mode much more profitable than freeshards :s
Apache_Thunder | Date: Monday, 2011-08-15, 11:26 PM | Message # 35 |
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| Oh and to update this thread, I have long since converted most of the BFH maps and all the vehicles to BF2:
It doesn't have all the neat customization, soldier meshes, or the handweapons. But it has the maps, singleplayer action, vehicles, and effects/sound effects from BFH. So you can definitely give that a run.
Oh and the mod even sports a couple multiplayer bonus maps as easter eggs. Mushroom Bridge and Mushroom City from Mario Kart Double Dash have been converted to BF2 from my BF1942 Mario Kart mod along with a working kart vehicle.
gdrgfbdrdxdg | Date: Saturday, 2011-12-17, 9:09 PM | Message # 36 |
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| Hello. And Bye.
TwiQ | Date: Friday, 2012-01-06, 4:30 PM | Message # 37 |
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| I got 1 question: Are you really 100% sure that u cant do like this cuz the succeded on Battlefield Play4Free and Battlefield Play4Free and Battlefield Heroes is very much identical. I've saw this on a forum and i downloaded the Battlefield Play4Free Server files and it worked. I've tested it on Battlefield Heroes Server but i didnt make it work but im not a good modder so i thought that some1 maybe can get this work.
The Text in Bold/Fat style ws what he posted: 1.Copy all your game files into a new directory
2.Download this archive and then copy your downloaded files on the newest directory
3.Go to https://battlefield.play4free.com and wait till it loads. Then go to https://battlefield.play4free.com/api/nucleus/authToken And you might see a key token.
Your eaKey is the key in the golden box. So if we have the following text: Code:Ciyvab0tregdVsBtboIpeChe4G6uzC1v5_SIxmvSLJSOwKPq5WZ3FL5KIRNJVCLp4Jgs_3mJcY2yJahXxR5mTRGUsi6PKhA4X1jpuVMxHJQv3WQ3HnQfvKeG60hRugA Our key will be: SIxmvSLJSOwKPq5WZ3FL5KIRNJVCLp4Jgs_3mJcY2yJahXxR5mTRGUsi6PKhA4X1jpuVMxHJQv3WQ3HnQfvKeG60hRugA
4.Save your key somewhere and create a new shortcut on the desktop for the file BFP4f_w32ded.exe.
5.Go to the desktop and right click your short cut then go to Properties.
6.Add to the target the following text: +key "YourEAKey" +eaAccountName "yourEmail" +soldierName "YourSoldierName" +eaAccountPassword "YourPassword"
For me it is:Code: "C:\Program Files\EA Games\BFP4F\BFP4f_w32ded.exe" +key "SIxmvSLJSOwKPq5WZ3FL5KIRNJVCLp4Jgs_3mJcY2yJahXxR5mTRGUsi6PKhA4X1jpuVMxHJQv3WQ3HnQfvKeG60hRugA" +eaAccountName "fuckyou@fuckyou.fuckyou" +soldierName "FuckYou" +eaAccountPassword "ErrYouWish"
Now you're done! Here's a screen shot of the server: http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/9539/serverb.png
Battlefield Play4Free Server files if you wanna check it out: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9IIG6289 And this is the Battlefield Heroes server files v 1.42... i have: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9E5TDMU0Added (2012-01-06, 4:30 PM) --------------------------------------------- I got the BFHeroes_w32ded.exe to run and it shows IP, Game mode, Map etc and it looks like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
But there is an error that i dont know what means xD
Message edited by TwiQ - Friday, 2012-01-06, 4:02 PM |
Antivirus | Date: Friday, 2012-03-23, 1:07 AM | Message # 38 |
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| Hi all ! Is that realy working ? If it is, this is a very good job, and I shall to try it ! But the download link is dead, could you give another please ? Thank you in advance.
Ps : sorry for my (very) bad English.
EDIT : I found this thread : http://www.unknowncheats.me/forum....es.html I try to understand and maybe to apply it in BFH. But I think you're better than me, so I post here.
EDIT2 : I could find this another thread : http://www.unknowncheats.me/forum....ak.html I go to work immediately !
Message edited by Antivirus - Friday, 2012-03-23, 11:38 PM |
Waterflames | Date: Saturday, 2012-05-19, 5:56 PM | Message # 39 |
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| To stop the server from requesting http://www.battlefieldheroes.com/relationships/ etc etc, I hexedited every "relationships" reference to "relationboats" in the BFHeroes_w32ded.exe file.
Thats stops the error.
TwiQ | Date: Wednesday, 2012-06-13, 10:11 PM | Message # 40 |
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| Waterflames,
How do you hexedit BFHeroes_w32ded.exe? Can you upload your hexedited file?
Waterflames | Date: Monday, 2012-06-18, 5:23 PM | Message # 41 |
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| Quote (Waterflames) How do you hexedit BFHeroes_w32ded.exe? Can you upload your hexedited file? Just google "Hex editor". I use this one: http://www.catch22.net/software/hexedit I found "relationships" in the URL that the error gave when running the server, so I opened the hex editor and opened the BFHeroes_w32ded.exe file. I searched and found "relationships" multiple times. I replaced it with "relationboats" because that has the same lenght, which is pretty important. The program still tries to find "relationboats", but now gets a 404 error instead of getting the AUTH_FAILED which might or might not be logged by EA.
I also tried to proxy the connection from the bfh client to the EA servers, that worked. I was able to see the data that was sent, but any time I edited anything it would stop the game from joining the server.
I eventually gave up, mostly because my program was really buggy and I wasted alot of time on it, but if anyone wants the source I guess I could send it to them.
Message edited by Waterflames - Monday, 2012-06-18, 5:24 PM |
TwiQ | Date: Thursday, 2012-06-21, 10:58 PM | Message # 42 |
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| Quote (Waterflames) Just google "Hex editor". I use this one: http://www.catch22.net/software/hexedit I found "relationships" in the URL that the error gave when running the server, so I opened the hex editor and opened the BFHeroes_w32ded.exe file. I searched and found "relationships" multiple times. I replaced it with "relationboats" because that has the same lenght, which is pretty important. The program still tries to find "relationboats", but now gets a 404 error instead of getting the AUTH_FAILED which might or might not be logged by EA. I also tried to proxy the connection from the bfh client to the EA servers, that worked. I was able to see the data that was sent, but any time I edited anything it would stop the game from joining the server. I eventually gave up, mostly because my program was really buggy and I wasted alot of time on it, but if anyone wants the source I guess I could send it to them.
Ok. Thanks for the reply and if you got time, I would like you to send me your source.
Message edited by TwiQ - Thursday, 2012-06-21, 11:05 PM |
Waterflames | Date: Saturday, 2012-06-23, 2:50 PM | Message # 43 |
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| Quote (TwiQ) I would like you to send me your source. Dropbox: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/35774053/BFHProxy.zip
Its messy. I hope you can use it.
TwiQ | Date: Monday, 2012-06-25, 8:52 PM | Message # 44 |
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| Thanks alot. Im not so good at programming but i'll try to get something out of this
Btw, is Fshed64.exe the proxy tool?
Message edited by TwiQ - Monday, 2012-06-25, 9:45 PM |
Waterflames | Date: Tuesday, 2012-06-26, 4:59 AM | Message # 45 |
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| Quote (TwiQ) Thanks alot. Im not so good at programming but i'll try to get something out of this biggrin
Btw, is Fshed64.exe the proxy tool? No, its another hex edit tool I included. The programs written in Java, so you won't get an exe without a wrapper. Which would be unnecessary.