[mod] Dedicated Servers
Philly | Date: Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 2:07 AM | Message # 16 |
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| hm, well i wont risk my account which i spent about 300$ on, so will we get a perm ban from the account? or just a lil' 3 days ban?
Solidsnail | Date: Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 2:09 AM | Message # 17 |
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| forum ban? Idk what happend to strads?
Philly | Date: Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 2:16 AM | Message # 18 |
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| im pretty sure his whole account got banned, but its mostly because how should people find out? i mean we can just make a new alt account, so friends can't join, right? and make sure no1 is filming so it can be a proof that we modded this.
Helicopter_Ambulance | Date: Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 4:27 AM | Message # 19 |
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| would be sweet to get it going, playing tutorial gets lonely
Message edited by Helicopter_Ambulance - Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 4:27 AM |
Apache_Thunder | Date: Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 8:36 AM | Message # 20 |
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| I still believe this project is fatally flawed. Your using the BF2 and/or BF2142 dedicated server exe to run BFH and have BFheroes clients connect to it. (that is what your wanting to do right?). This will NOT work! The BFheroes engine is based off the BF2142 engine but differs greatly in terms of some network code and physics. Thus trying to get a BFheroes client to connect to a BF2142 server running the BFheroes mod WILL NEVER WORK...PERIOD!!! However if you ported BFheores to BF2142 and had BF2142 clients connect to BF2142 servers running the BFheroes mod you ported...then that will work out fine! I'm no programmer but modding server files for BF1942 and dealing with network issues and stuff has led to me to know that two differently coded game engines can never network together. It's like trying grow oranges on an apple tree. It just won't work out. Unless your an elite DNA scientist that can cross breed trees to grow apples and oranges on the same tree. :P So perhaps a lot of hacks to the server EXE could make things work. But the programmer knowledge required to do that would be better used on hacking BFheroes exe to run in dedicated server mode. 
Message edited by Apache_Thunder - Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 8:43 AM |
SwiftGreen | Date: Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 9:02 AM | Message # 21 |
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| Ok im really confused, Is he saying that if it worked we could use all our mods (Choppers'n'Stuff) in a server that everyone here could join?
Apache_Thunder | Date: Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 9:04 AM | Message # 22 |
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| If you could get the BFheroes exe to run in dedicated server mode and somehow manage to either join via the friend system, bookmark system, or play now system, then yes, your could join servers running mods and other neat stuff. :P Quote (Solidsnail) Helloandy have registered here, maybe he will turn us all in? I dont know, we usually dont get banned. lol well I ported 90% of their game to BF1942. If anyone's getting banned I will probably be the first to go. :P Banned or not I will not stop work on the mod until I have nothing left to port to it. 
Message edited by Apache_Thunder - Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 9:09 AM |
isselman2000 | Date: Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 11:30 AM | Message # 23 |
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| Guys, how about this.... Instead of attempting the suicide mission that is trying to start a modded BFH server, how about we work on porting BFH maps into BF2142 or BF2, renting a modded server there, and then adding boats and helis to those maps? We could, for example, then be running a Coastal Clash BF2 server with helis and boats instead of jeeps, as well as any other tweaks we want.
Dutchassasin | Date: Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 11:31 AM | Message # 24 |
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| about that risk of being banned, why not make it unable for swedish people to register on this site. so no Ben allowed here
When im not online it doesnt mean im not watching you
isselman2000 | Date: Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 11:56 AM | Message # 25 |
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| I ran into some problems trying to port BFH maps into BF2 a couple months ago, but I'm sure it's very possible. If not BF2, then definitely BF2142, since BFH is an even closer relative to it. I'm sure Apache_Thunder could help us get started there, since he has done the almost imponderable job of porting BFH into 1942. Added (2010-06-29, 11:56 Am) --------------------------------------------- In any case, I've been able to port BF2 maps into BFH, so going backwards definitely shouldn't be impossible. 
Message edited by isselman2000 - Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 11:41 AM |
McFluff | Date: Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 12:09 PM | Message # 26 |
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| Quote (Solidsnail) Helloandy have registered here, maybe he will turn us all in? I dont know, we usually dont get banned. He actually hasn't registered he just commented as a guest,if any actions are taken by them i will be sure to IP ban them. Quote (|TDD|Philly) im pretty sure his whole account got banned, but its mostly because how should people find out? i mean we can just make a new alt account, so friends can't join, right? and make sure no1 is filming so it can be a proof that we modded this. They only got my alternative account "BFHMods", i still have my maim.
matthijs | Date: Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 1:27 PM | Message # 27 |
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| I registered here not with my real bfh name, because i spent 60 euros on it and i dont want to get banned, but isselman how do you do that?? im busy with porting a bf2 map to bfh but it always crash...
wakamonkey | Date: Wednesday, 2010-06-30, 9:27 PM | Message # 28 |
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| i registered with meh real name but getting banned is somthing i always get a perma isnt gonna be much... only spent about 20 dollars on my game anyway..
matthijs | Date: Wednesday, 2010-06-30, 9:46 PM | Message # 29 |
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| Quote (wakamonkey) i registered with meh real name but getting banned is somthing i always get Do you get banned that much?! I'm banned only 1 time because of forum spamming...
McFluff | Date: Friday, 2010-07-02, 2:04 PM | Message # 30 |
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| I think that a dedicated server should be made, and any one who i worried that EA/DICE will go crazy over it, i have to say that you could get free servers for battlefield 2 without paying and as far as i know none of those people were sued. And besides when was the last time when someone got sued over making mods for game. But if you are worried that someone will ban you for it, they can't because Dev's wont get in to the forums and even if they will you can just say that someone made an account with your username. If anyone wants to change their forum name you can do it here: http://bfhmods.ucoz.com/forum/4-5-1 If anyone is still making a dedicated server i encourage you to keep working.