Hey guys There is a lot of work to do. You need to make a mod, server files for that mod, edit the server, post the server, edit the client, and the client to play the game and log to your server you need a .exe IP game launcher for the BFH.exe.
EA Games not want you to have this b/c you can mod the valor cash on the server for your account. We can mod it if we want cept not on this tut.
Ok for mod.
To make a mod, make a mod folder at mods/Your Mod
Edit the Mod.desc
<title> HEADER_MODTITLE </title>
<desc> TEXT_MODDESC </desc>
<music> sound/music/BFHPM.ogg </music>
<version> 1.00 </version>
Dedicated Server Files / mod files
[Download] This is the server exe for battlefield. We are modding it to work for BFH.
Install to EA Games/
Make a folder in the mods/Your Mod/
Copy all Server folder from BFH mods/Your Mod/ folder to the Server mods/Your Mod/ folder
If you have a custom map or anything you need to copy everything to the Server mods/Your Mod/ folder
Copy the BFH mod Python BFH to the Server folder Python
[Client] To join mod servers.
Run the SCLauncher
Select MapList, Your Mod, gpm_cq, Select Your Maps
[You can run Co Op on your map we can con this.]
Battlefield Heroes\mods\bfheroes\Settings