I literary could spend hours writing just an intro for this to prepare you for what your about to see, but whatever I would come up with still couldn't sum it up. So I have decided to start you off with a few screneshots. The intro so far seems harmles enough.. But wait! Whats this? Those clouds, they seem so familiar. Wait, when did valve reskin the heavy? At this point you should realise that there's something awfully wrong
about the trailer. And it probably has sparked many questions about this
game, and its gameplay. Well, here's how the game looks. It's hard to understand what the developers of Final combat were thinking when they decided to clone the two games. But lets analyze the scene before we jump to conclusions. The rocket launcher should seem very familiar if you have ever played TF2, it's obviously the rocket launcher used by the soldier. The architecture and the sky used is obviously from BFH. Even the textures are the same. Even the sound effects were taken. So what exactly the developers thinking? Who knows, the only thing that I know is that this is a must play for me, unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. Meet the fatman trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pBbOLPCjaU&feature=relmfu The official website: http://fc.xunlei.com/ (chinese, hard to translate) Also pardon the lateness of this post, somehow the news slipped past me. Attachments:
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2013-07-25 2:52 AM