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How to make two versions of the game.

  1. First thing that you have to do is to copy and paste the entire battlefield heroes game folder, paste it in bf heroes/mods/your folder (Battlefield heroes/mods).
  2. Name the new folder "bfmods"
  3. Create a shortcut to the bfheroes.exe
  4. Now Right click on it and go to "properties.
  5. Paste this line in the "target" "BFH folder\BFHeroes.exe" +modPath mods/bfmods +battleFundsHostName "play.battlefield-heroes.com" +webSiteHostName "play.battlefield-heroes.com" +sessionId ***********************
  6. You will have to find your own sessionID, you can find it here Go to BFH website, log in, click Play Now button, cancel the BFH updater. Now you have to view the page's source. In Firefox and IE you just click "View" tab and select "Source". Search for "sessionId"; you'll find a line like that.
  7. Paste it to the shortcut path.
It will run the "other" version, if u want it to run the normal just start the game  the usual way, through the website.

You will have to "refresh" the session id, it lasts only few hours or so.

Use this at your own risk!

Views: 1310 Added by: McFluff (2010-05-25) Author:



2010-06-27 0:31 AM
could s.o. pls make a video of this? thx. biggrin

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