Sounds like the start path in your shortcut is not set right. This is where it is set in the shorcut properties. Must match the path the target field shows. NO commands are used in the start path. They always go in the target field instead:
If the start path is blank or does not point to your game exe, then you'll get the immediate crash on startup.
Also note that the +modPath command is case sensitive so if you made a custom mod folder besure the mod path command points to it correctly with matching case. For example if your mod folder name is BFHeroesMod, then modpath would equal "+modPath mods/BFHeroesMod" (no quotes) .
Also note it's best to copy the entire BFheroes mod folder and rename it to something of your choice instead of trying to get your mod to load the vanilla zip files. I had issues with that sometimes so I just copied the entire folder.