Custom animation
| | ToiletTrooper | Date: Sunday, 2011-01-02, 6:30 PM | Message # 1 |
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| Hey i'd like to know how the custom animation works in 3ds max. All i get to see is this: But i have no idea if this right or not. The readme said Code INSTRUCTIONS:
You need to have the content of the Objects_client.zip and Objects_server.zip extracted to the same folder for the import of meshes to work! I don't quite get this, there is no objects_client/server.
| SgtColbert | Date: Monday, 2011-01-03, 1:17 AM | Message # 2 |
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| Now, it all depends on what do you want to do. Do you want to make custom animations, and export to the game (like this), do you want to import the existing animations into 3ds max (for whatever reason). Or maybe import the meshes too, skin them and render the animation in max (like this). Well, whatever the case, you need PoE 3dsMax Tools, and 3ds max version 6 to 9. 2011 isn't compatible with them. I made the file you're showing here for easier animating in max (and exporting later). It's rubbish though, made a better one.
| ToiletTrooper | Date: Monday, 2011-01-03, 9:08 PM | Message # 3 |
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| I got 3ds 9, 2010 and 2011. I'd like to have the animation ingame, so an emote will do. So i got to change one emote, shouldn't be to hard? I understand the keyframing part. The thing i don't understand is the importing and exporting. What do i need to import and export? And putting the meshes in some sort of directory? I'm a noob on this area. But at least i wont give up if it's getting hard Thanks alot.
Message edited by ToiletTrooper - Monday, 2011-01-03, 9:10 PM |
| SgtColbert | Date: Monday, 2011-01-03, 10:57 PM | Message # 4 |
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| Well, you don't need the meshes at all. You need the skeleton .ske and animation .baf. Once you got the PoE tools installed there should be a "BF2" menu on the menu bar. To import the skeleton into max you go BF2=>BF2 Utilities=>Skeleton Importer, and select the apropriatte .ske file (British/royal or German/national). They're in your BFH folder\mods\modname*\objects\soldiers_server.zip\german_male_soldier|british_male_soldier\. The skeleton is the only thing you need to export them, problem is, it's hard to tell how does the animation look like without the mesh. I suggest using the file I posted above, it's got the skeleton, and skinned mesh, so you can actually see what's going on. Unfortunately it's not possible to simply import the the mesh already skinned, so it have to be reskinned in max. Anyway, once you got the skeleton in max, delete the root node (root_skeleton_german|british_male_soldier), and rename root_Skeleton to root_animation_nameoftheanimation) and you can start animating it (just don't animate the root_animation_nameoftheanimation). When you're done select all the animated bones** and root_animation_nameoftheanimation, go to BF2 Utilities=>Create Selection Set: ANIMATED. To export it go to BF2=>BF2 Exporter=> Export object. Now the simplest way to get that animation in game is to replace an existing animation, just rename the exported file to fit one of the existing names (e.g. emote_wave.baf) and paste it to BFH folder\mods\modname\objects\soldiers_server.zip\german_male_soldier|british_male_soldier\Animations\Common). * - default mod is bfheroes, but I suggest making a "clean one" if you haven't already. Read the sticky. ** - mind that in most cases legs and torso/hands/face are animated separately. When making new emotes you can animate everything from spine all the way down (in hierarchy) to rightweapon, if you try animating the rest, emote will be screwed up. Not a bad idea to import the animation you're planning to replace into max to see which bones are animated. Also, mind that length of the animation will be the same as the number of frames visible on your time slider, so make sure it ends where the animation ends. To import the existing animations, once you got the skeleton in max, go to BF2 Utilities=>BAF Animation Importer, and import the animation of your choice.
Message edited by SgtColbert - Tuesday, 2011-01-04, 4:02 AM |
| ToiletTrooper | Date: Tuesday, 2011-01-04, 11:53 PM | Message # 5 |
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| It worked, thanks ;). The only hard thing is that you cannot see the meshes, like you said. I'm gonna play with it to get a nice result. I also tried exporting the meshed model (the screenshot i posted), it works but when i do an emote ingame my body from head to torso goes horizontal (right). Looks weird.
Message edited by ToiletTrooper - Tuesday, 2011-01-04, 11:56 PM |
| SgtColbert | Date: Wednesday, 2011-01-05, 0:23 AM | Message # 6 |
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| Just to clarify, the model is there just to help visualize animation in max, you're exporting the animation, and animation only. It goes horizontal because of the incorrect ANIMATED group, just select bones from Spine to Rightweapon + root_animation_whatever, make an ANIMATED group, and it will work (for emotes).
| ToiletTrooper | Date: Thursday, 2011-01-06, 0:57 AM | Message # 7 |
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| When i modify the model with the meshes (from first post) i can export it. However my torso is still going horizontal whatever i do. And i also created the ANIMATED group like you said. If i just import the original .ske and .baf i can edit it but i can't export it because of bundle- and staticmesh. The readme says i need to select visible col, wreck and/or lod meshes then run wizard. But I have no idea what this Readme is talking about :s
Message edited by ToiletTrooper - Thursday, 2011-01-06, 0:57 AM |
| SgtColbert | Date: Thursday, 2011-01-06, 4:35 AM | Message # 8 |
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| You screwed up the ANIMATED selection set. Once you make it, open Select by name , and make sure it looks like this after selecting the ANIMATED selection set (red arrow). Quote i can't export it because of bundle- and staticmesh. The readme says i need to select visible col, wreck and/or lod meshes then run wizard. It's talking about exporting vehicles, buildings, etc. it has nothing to do with animation. Do this step Quote delete the root node (root_skeleton_german|british_male_soldier), and rename root_Skeleton to root_animation_nameoftheanimation) and make the proper ANIMATED selection set as well. One more piece of advice: delete/move the old exported animation (or rename it), before exporting a new one with the same name, in my case exporter won't export anything when I try to just export and automatically replace it (if I'm exporting it to the same directory). I used the word "export" 6 times in one sentence, ugh.
Message edited by SgtColbert - Thursday, 2011-01-06, 4:37 AM |
| ToiletTrooper | Date: Sunday, 2011-01-09, 7:18 PM | Message # 9 |
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| It works very smooth now. The 'Display Subtree' box was unchecked at Select by name, that's why i din't understand the Spine to RightWeapon selection. When i'm done i'll post the video here Added (2011-01-09, 7:18 PM) --------------------------------------------- Is it possible to import the meshes of the hands? It would make it alot easier. I was wondering how you imported the bodyWELDED_skin.max
Message edited by ToiletTrooper - Sunday, 2011-01-09, 7:24 PM |
| SgtColbert | Date: Monday, 2011-01-10, 2:17 PM | Message # 10 |
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| Yes, it's possible, but they won't be much of a help unless you skin them/weight the vertices. To import hands (or any other .skinnedesh file) extract Items_client.zip and Items_server.zip to the same folder (while keeping the folder structure*), find the folder of the item you want to import (bri_m_hands001 inside British folder in this case) open the .con file inside it (with a text editor, Notepad will do), and change SoldierMeshItem to SkinnedMesh**, save. BF2 utilities => Mesh Importer, import the .con file. Model should appear in max. It will be cut in few objects, so attach them and weld the vertices. Now you have to skin it. Just google skinning/weighting vertices in 3ds max or check 3ds User Guide. * - If you did it right there should be a .con file Meshes folder inside bri_m_hands001, and a .skinnedmesh file inside Meshes ** - unmodified .con file looks like this Code GeometryTemplate.create SoldierMeshItem BRI_M_Hands001 geometryTemplate.itemType CIT_Hands
ObjectTemplate.create KitPart BRI_M_Hands001 ObjectTemplate.geometry BRI_M_Hands001 Modded should look like this Code GeometryTemplate.create SkinnedMesh BRI_M_Hands001 geometryTemplate.itemType CIT_Hands
ObjectTemplate.create KitPart BRI_M_Hands001 ObjectTemplate.geometry BRI_M_Hands001 Also, you can use the bodyWELDED_skin.max for animating the royals as well, it's gonna be a little bit off, but just a little, so unless you're doing some really accurate animation it shouldn't matter.
Message edited by SgtColbert - Monday, 2011-01-10, 2:17 PM |
| Guest | Date: Thursday, 2011-09-22, 0:59 AM | Message # 11 |
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| How open church.staticmesh ? for example?
| Apache_Thunder | Date: Thursday, 2011-09-22, 10:36 AM | Message # 12 |
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| I have max files of the closed beta soldier meshes from when I ported the soldier meshes to my BFH'42 mod if you want them. These are NOT the same meshes currently used in BFH. The meshes currently used is actually many meshes loaded as one. (each part like hand, shirt, pants and such are split off into individual items and change depending on what customization item you have equipped. It's possible to import a complete soldier mesh of the current BFH game, but it is very complicated!)
So these are the much older meshes they used in very early closed beta. I imported them and rigged them for use in BF1942 in my BFHeroes'42 mod.
While the appearance isn't identical, the proportions of the body is close enough that once you rig it onto the BFH skeleton, it should be accurate enough to preview animations with. I can send you these max files if your interested. Please note that they have the BF1942 skeleton and vertex rigging in them. You will need to remove those and re-vertex skin the mesh onto the BFH skeleton.
| Guest | Date: Friday, 2011-09-23, 9:18 PM | Message # 13 |
Group: Guests
| Thank you. It is possible to export the whole map in 3d max? and not at home, weapons, models and so on.
| Wolf | Date: Saturday, 2011-09-24, 5:19 PM | Message # 14 |
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| http://bfhmods.ucoz.com/forum/5-137-1
Message edited by Wolf - Saturday, 2011-09-24, 5:20 PM |