Attention! For now this tutorial only works for the server side and you have (until now) no way to connect.
enjoy following this tutorial.
Hi and welcome to this tutorial.
I want to show you here how to make a simple Battlefield Heroes Server.
Let's start by the things you need:
1. Battlefield Heroes
2. Battlefield 2
3. Windows XP or newer
4. Windows Explorer or something similar to it.
5. Wireshark
6. A way to redirect an IP to another
Part 1
The first step is to install Battlefield Heroes and Battlefield 2. This should be no problem.
Now, there is an easy way to get both things BF:H and BF2 together. Get into the install directory of BF:H and change to the MODS folder. Then copy the folder "bfheroes". Go to the BF2 install folder and paste the folder in your clipboard in the directory "MODS" of BF2. Now you have got something like this:
folder: mods
If you want to play BF2 later again, remember to backup your bf2 mod folder by simply renaming it to "bf2_old". now just rename the bfheroes mod folder to "bf2".
Now, if you start the BF2 Dedicated server, there should be no problem - and it should start.
With another installation of BF2 you can proof that this is not just a trick with no sense. You will see this server as "A Battlefield Heroes Server" with the mod "Unknown Mod".
Since now, there is no way to connect to this server, but I and the UC Forum members are searching a way to do this.
If you got an idea which could help me to connect to the Server, post it here: Connect to IP / Own Server or send me a PM. This could be a way to modificate the client of Battlefield 2 or hack the BF:H client - and of course any other way.
The proof that this tutorial works is in the other thread!
If you want to thank me, please rep+
PS: Yes I did this tutorial by myself and I found that way by myself. I have no credits to get here except of a credit to me.
PPS: If you can help, please do so!
This way of connecting won't work until we figured out how to solve the last pieces of this puzzle, but try it yourself.