I found some new unused beta objects while I was preparing to port Alpine Assault to my bfheroes'42 mod. NONE of these objects are found in the new Alpine Assault map (yet?) that was tested in PTE before PTE went down recently nor have they appeared in any previous version of the map. Even the early counter part of this map did not have these objects. (code name fork I think though right now I don't know which of the 4 beta PTE maps this map was a continuation of).
So these objects are new and unused anywhere. It is possible a few of these might make it into the Alpine Assault map, or a new map, or may just disappear into oblivion. Since the UVMap on a few of these objects is not complete, it indicates these objects are still very early in the development process. But as with beta weapons, DICE made the mistake of leaving them in the PTE files.
And that's when I found them.
I started preparations on porting Alpine Assault today when I discovered these objects. They weren't used in Alpine Assault (the latest version anyway) and they aren't used in any existing map either.
Here's the screenshots of the mysterious new objects that could be the indicator of what the next map after Alpine Assault might have. Also note these could have also been intended to be included in Alpine Assault. We will never know until they actually place these in a map for us to see. :P
1. A new bridge. A small narrow wooden suspension bridge. Seems to match the theme of Alpine Assault so it could be a beta object intended for the map, the UVMap for this one appears to be complete and is the only one of the beta objects to also have multiple lods. So this is the most "complete" of the beta objects and has the best chance to survive into the next new map/version of Alpine Assault:
2. Small wooden board. This appears to be a small prop and could have a high chance of being placed somewhere in Alpine Assault in the next PTE test of it or when it comes to the live game. This one has a complete uvmap but no extra lods. Perhaps due to the simple shape of the object. Multiple lods was not made for it since it was already low poly to begin with:
3. Draw Bridge. The object name indicates this to be a draw bridge of some kind? This one lacks a complete uvmap and the texture isn't correct in some places like the bottom of the object which isn't shown in the screenshot. (it may not be correct at all infact, since there is nothing to compare this object to) Its close in size to the stone bridge and considered a somewhat large prop and does not have any extra lods to it:
4. Guard Tower. The most incomplete of the beta objects. The UVMap is almost completely unfinished or the object is currently using the wrong texture. (thus a proper texture for this object does not currently exist in the files yet perhaps). This object was found in the building folder of the PTE files and also have no extra lods to it. Due to the incomplete uvmap/texture, it is hard to tell what map this object was intended for or will be used in. It is also possible this object could just disappear and never be seen again. This object is the only object of the 5 that shares an existing texture:
5. The last object and the largest in size appears to a bridge of some kind. Its object name is stonebridge_balcony, but the texture used on it gives it a wooden appearance. Plus the overall shape of it also suggests it's wooden. Thus the object name could change since it's not made of stone obviosly. The uvmap appears to be complete as I did not spot any issues with the texture appearence:
That's all of them thus far. If any new ones are spotted in a new PTE release I may dig them up.